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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HOWTO: Update ALSA Driver in UBUNTU

Hello Witches and Wizards welcome back.

This time around I am going to give you a step by step tutorial to Updating the Almighty ALSA DRIVER in your UBUNTU system.
Most of the time when we setup and get the system running with linux there wont me much trouble that come with the package. But at times we have this strange sound problems that can be only solved by an upgrade.
Or maybe just you are the "Steve Jobs" kind, who seek the latest and is quick to evolve. whatever it maybe here is my guide for you to upgrade your ALSA DRIVER in your UBUNTU installation, behold and keep to the prescription.

You can check your installed version by giving these commands in terminal:
cat /proc/asound/version
Test if before and after upgrade installation.

  1. NOTE: You need complete root privileges to achieve this upgrade successfully.
  2. Rub your hands and get ready:
  3. Download the required script from here: Download 
  4. Copy that file into your home directory: /home/$USER (where $USER is your username)
  5. Open Terminal at Menu>Accessories>Terminal or Alt+f2 > enter "gnome-terminal" press ENTER.
  6. Enter Command: cd 
  7. Enter Command: tar xzvf AlsaUpgrade-1.0.24-2.tar.gz 
  8. Enter Command:  chmod +x
  9. Ignore steps 10 and 11 if you are new or just not interested in learning the detail.
  10. Now as the next few steps which we are going to do is a bit complex from the machine point of view (Don't get scared of, it's easy on your part). so there are a few chances, like in 1 in a 10000 that things can go wrong, so we will be logging(recording the output from system to a file) each step. good thing there are tools to do this dirty work for you.
  11. The command that you will be using to log the process is: scrip -a -c "" (the quotes " " are important around the command). so if you want to log it you can give the command given below between the quotes and give ALSADownload.log, ALSACompile.log, ALSAinstall.log in place of in each of the below command. -d = download, -c = compile  and -i = install.
  12. Enter Command:    ./ -d
  13. Enter Command:   ./ -c
  14. Enter Command:  ./ -i
  15. Now RESTART your computer and check if your sound Out Put and Input  is working fine.
  16. Congratulations you have just upgraded your ALSA drivers. 
  17. [ATTENTION] In case something goes terribly wrong, like sound not at all working  immediately run: cd && ./ -r
That's all folks.
See you again folks Till then, Good Bye. 

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