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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

HoW to set-up PhP MySQL development enviorment and develop in PhP MySql

I would like to develop a programm (stock and accounts) for my own business. I would like to design like - a database (MySQL) and I have to enter data and get reports through a browser on my PC. I want a fully customized application to develop and to maintain for my own purpose.
I have basic programming knowledge in C, C++, VB 6.0, Foxpro 2.6, HTML. And ready to learn new things.
Now can you please suggest me, What softwares I have to download (probably open source) and learn. Already I have installed MySQL 5.0 and now I can create a database and simple SQL queries.

Thanks in advance.

I am happy that you have specially asked for opensource tools and yes that's exactly what you should use.
so as you say that ,you are already familiar with C++ ,HTML.
This is going to be a breeze  as all you have to do is combine object oriented programing, with Web technology.

these are the list of programs you will need:
Apache web server.
MySQL. (as you have already installed it).
PhPMyAdmin (a GUI for MySQL database management, can make things easier).

I would suggest that you use a combined system like
EasyPhP or WAMP (for windows)
XAMPP for Linux

i recommend you export your SQL Database,and install one of these tools and then import it into MySQL.

So that you dont have to spend lot of time synchronizing all of these tools.
installing one of these single packages will take care of all the tools mentioned before.
and just follow there instructions.

So that's it,once tools are ready you will have to learn PhP Programing,
(i strongly recommend the books "PhP and MySQL bible" or "PHP For Dummies" -- or just learn from the net.) 
and database accessing from PhP.( it is simple).
and then Program your software and copy it to the server directory in your system (Apache will take care of that).
then enter http://localhost
And you can watch your talents bloom.

If you are planning to make your server public, you will have to also take care of security settings.

hope that helps,
if you need any further help please contact me from tech-help page of

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Web safety - Stop forwarding useless mails - 10 condments of web safety

i am writing this thing because i am tierd of explaining it to people, again and again.
you may be doing a crime when you are forwarding mails around.

I am sure you all have encountered  with the rubbish mails that come with a message that say
"forward this to 100000 people or tomorrow an ant will bite you" or simply "bad luck will follow you to your grave" .
most of them come with relegious pictures , or other nonsense out of the world content.
below i am mentioning some of them.

1) A mail with a picture saying "gods eye" ( most of you must have seen it) -
    It is a nebula ( a celestial condition) AND NOT GODS EYE
    if you want to see gods eye, look into your friend's or enemies eye.

2) Any mail claiming "I am suffering from heart from something that even doctors have not heard off
    and every time this mail is forwarded Some company with the worlds greatest idiot as the CEO
    (it hast to be if the mail is true)
will pay me 500$ each"
  is FAKE
    no one have any advantage by you forwarding it other than some hacker or criminal.

ok that is enough examples.
now most of them may be just prank emails that cause no trouble, but how can you be sure all of them are safe.
The images that are in the mail may have internal hidden scripts that send collect your contact information
(as today, emails can have embedded and HTML content,so it is 100% possible).

the moment you forward these mails ,the details about yourselves and of the people you send it to may be transferred to
a database from where the CRIMINAL may use it for his own purposes.

You may be a Victim ALREADY:
don't be ,because you alone are responsible for it, just take a look how many
spam messages are there in your spam folder of your email account.
all those rubbish mails, advertisements and other stuff.
where do you think they got your email ID from?
i am sure that non of you have official contacted them and said " hey buddy can you do a help and fill my mail box with rubbish"
spamers get the email ID from websites were you may have posted it of simply when of forwarded all that rubbish to me.
you are harming me and yourself.

But what when it is not just about spams, what when it comes to passwords and stuff
yes..they too can be collected.
and did you know if you cause harm to someone by email it is a punishable offence
and the victim cab ask upto a sum of 6lackhs +  jail. (under Indian Law)

Tips to to stay safe ,reduce spam and not be a criminal
SO how can you stay safe: SImple.

  1. Stop forwarding junk, that's why you have a delete button.
  2. Never reply to mails asking for password, NO COMPANY OR EMAIL GROUP WILL ASK FOR PASSWORD BY THE MAIL.
  3. Not forwarding may bring you bad luck, But wont put you in a criminal case.
  4. If you get a mail saying Something has happened to someone close to you,first  call that person up, he will be alright.
  5. Hacking is no easy job, unless the a hacker does not have to hack (what is the use of hacking when you are offering your password)
  6. You will never have to update your email account , if you get such a mail its fake
So that is it..
The 10 Commandments of web safety:
1.Stop sending rubbish, and you may be preventing a terrorist attack on your country ,you never know.
2.Stop sending rubbish, you will have your privacy.
3.Stop replying to rubbish, your path will be clean.
4.Stop responding to offers that are amazing, because they are amazingly fake.
5.Don't send hate mail, even from another Id they can be traced to you, wherever in the world you are.
6.You never win a laptop, TV,Computer ..or whatever from the web for free
(no one intelligent enough to make a website with all that HTMl code is that foolish, to give it free)
7.Search the mail subject in to find if it is fake.
8.Never follow links to your bank's site from a email.
9.Never meet someone whom you met online alone. let others know and select a public place.
10.Use digital signatures on your mail,and insist your friends do so.

for further details contact me from:    (contact me page)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

OMG .ogg voribs is not goot it's the BEST

 Here is why you should be using .OGG voribs/theora format instead of mp3,wma ..etc

When i first read about the .ogg & voribs  (1 year back) i was really excited about it ( taking into account that i already was a fan of open software)
but i did not do much about it, just tried converting some .mp3s to OGG to see if the file size reduced, at times it did and sometimes it did not, just like what happen when someone diet and instead of loosing they gain.

It was 1 week before that i really took a look at it carefully when i was in a situation were i wanted a audio file to be converted into the elast possible size but with minimum quality loss.
like a parrot that is trained to repeat what is said ,my grey cells cried immediately Mp3 ..Mp3.. Mp3..
and i set to work, I took a 1minute (1.8MB 128kbps) file so i could test it before i do the complete conversion.

I started of encoding and i slowly discovered something great.

below is the conditions and properties of each file.


MP3                128           1.8MB   GOOD
MP3                64             820KB    POOR
MP3                 32           430KB    CRAP

the dip in quality was unbearable, even the voice was getting affected in such a way that its tone and pitch changed to and extend that you immediately notice.

Then i notice the option .OGG in my encoder , so i selected it and redid the entire process and guess what i got results that were from other planets.

below is the conditions and properties of each file.

OGG                128           1.2MB   GREAT
OGG                64             534KB   GREAT
OGG                 32            230KB    GOOD

the bit rate virtualy made no difference to the sound quality.
i had to listen to the 32 bit version and 128 bit version alternatively 3 time to feel the minute change that had occurd (i used audacity to analyze it). This siomply means there was no noticable change to quality that can be identified by human analysis easily.

i have no extra words but to request all of you to start using .OGG voribs format for your media ( both audio and video). because it's free and simply awsome in all sense.
I guarentee that you will never will be dissapointed by it.
and firefox 3 and up have inbuilt support for OGG media.

here is a good encoder to convert your media to .OGG =

VLC Player is the best player that supports .OGG in my opinion 

for further details or tech help
contact me from

Monday, December 14, 2009

C++ source code - Bank transaction simulation

this is a simple program that does the following things.
  • accept name and account number.
  • gives a menu selection to DEPPOSIT or WITHDRAW cash.
  • Controls withdrawal depending on cash balance.
  • Print a detailed sheet with details of all transactions


struct trans{
    long int  bal,amont;
    char act,dat[10];
struct cust{
    char nam[25];
    long int baln,accn;

int i=0;

int main()
    char y;
    int x;
    void depo();
    void vido();
    cout<<"Enter NAME:";
    cout<<"Enter account number:";
        cout<<"[1] Depposit\n";
            cout<<"[2] Withdraw\n";

        cout<<"\nDO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE[y/n]:";

        void balance();

void depo()
    cout<<"\n\nEnter Date (format- dd/mm/yyyy) :";
    cout<<"Enter amount to deposit:";

void vido()
    cout<<"\n\nEnter Date (format- dd/mm/yyyy) :";
    cout<<"Enter amount to deposit:";

        cout<<"\n***YOU DONOT HAVE ENOUGH BALANCE***\a\a";

void balance()
    for(int k=0;k
    cout<<"BALANCE: "<


Saturday, December 5, 2009

c++ source code to seperate or divide a string into words

This program will accept a string and divide it and store each word in a 2D array ,and  then display it.

you will need the following header files


int main()
    char tall[80],wrd[10][15];
    cout<<"Please enter your string\n:";
    int r=0,c=0;
    for(int i=0;i
    {   c=0;
        while(tall[i]!=' ')
        if(tall[i]==' ')
    for(int i=0;i


if you need any hel , feel free to get me at
tech support at

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

ClamAV - Free & open sourceantivirus also the best.

ClamAV or WinClam
ClamAV or Clam Anti-Virus is an open source , free and community supported anti virus software.
It has many advantages and i personally recommend if for use in you P.Cs.

Now i will explain how you can use this amazing project from the international open source community.

Windows users:
Other Users:

ubuntu users may activate the back port repository and install the latest version from the package manager.

Win clam has a GUI just like other antivirus systems.

The linux versions are are mainly command line based, but if you would like to have GUI, you may install CLamtk or KlamAV.

But i strongly recommend that you learn and use the command line , as it havs more advanced options.

  • command-line scanner
  • fast, multi-threaded daemon with support for on-access scanning
  • milter interface for sendmail
  • advanced database updater with support for scripted updates and digital signatures
  • virus scanner C library
  • on-access scanning (Linux® and FreeBSD®)
  • virus database updated multiple times per day (see home page for total number of signatures)
  • built-in support for various archive formats, including Zip, RAR, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, OLE2, Cabinet, CHM, BinHex, SIS and others
  • built-in support for almost all mail file formats
  • built-in support for ELF executables and Portable Executable files compressed with UPX, FSG, Petite, NsPack, wwpack32, MEW, Upack and obfuscated with SUE, Y0da Cryptor and others
  • built-in support for popular document formats including MS Office and MacOffice files, HTML, RTF and PDF

for more details or help 
feel free to contact me on