SonyWalkman , Sonic stage On linux
Jsymphonic - an opensource substitute for Sonicstage
and allows you to use your Sony WAlkman in Linux,
this single piece of software will answer all the questions like:
How to Run sonic stage on Linux?
How to transfer songs to sony walkman without sonic stage?
How to Use sony walkman on Linux?
How to Transfer music back from Sony Walkman?
so if you are one of them who has been wondering about these ,then this is the answer for all of those .
Sonic stage is a small and simple software writen in java, hence it will work on any OS that has java installed.
It is really small that you can copy the file into your Walkman and have a transfer tool that can transfer music from and to your walkman wherever you go.
STEP 1: Download this revolutionary tool (Jsymphonic)
STEP 2: Follow the step by step guide on how to install Java
if you do not have it already.
STEP 3: Running Jsymphonic
EXTRA: if you face any problems You may please check out
So thats for now enjoy your music ,if you face any tough situations need help with anything feel free to contact me.